5 Tips for Leading an All Remote Team

Working remotely is frequently discussed in terms of technology consumption, but it entails far more than having a good network connection, the latest equipment, or the appropriate digital communication tools. When working in a remote team, there are a variety of social and functional issues to consider and resolve.

Even the most connected teams—and the strongest leaders—can face difficulties when working remotely.

Our top 5 suggestions for effective remote cooperation are included below to assist others in staying on track and succeeding at this challenging period for organizations throughout the world.

Make a List of Your Team’s Goals

Team Goals

When managing remotely, one of the most crucial things you can do is define the team’s mission. This entails establishing specific objectives and describing how they relate to the organization’s overall mission.

It is rightly said that-“There is a considerably better possibility of individual and team commitment if individuals are focused on their purpose.”

Set the stage for your team’s success by preparing them. Ensure that everyone is aware of the project’s turnaround timeframes, communication channels, and everything else relevant to the project. To ensure that everyone is on the same page, give samples of what you anticipate to be done and share calendars.

Developing a Sense of Trust


Create work-from-home standards to assist people avoid distractions like children, pets, housework, and interruptions. Focus on the metrics that matter most. The most important aspects are the objectives, goals, and professional behaviors – don’t get caught up in standard workplace norms like working hours.

After you’ve defined your team’s mission, you’ll need to create trust. However, without sharing a physical place, this can be difficult. Open communication and consistency are required to establish trust.

Recognizing the team and being upfront while giving feedback also help to build trust. This acknowledgement will boost your team’s self-confidence, which will increase and strengthen trust among your members.

Make a Conscious Effort

Conscious Effort

The team you see on a daily basis is your local team. That isn’t going to be double if you construct a remote workforce in India, which is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. Over the weekend, your remote staff will be unable to visit your desk or catch up with you. And it’s here that being deliberate while leading a remote team may pay off big time.

When an employee, whether remote or not, feels valued or recognized, their productivity rises immediately. Simple actions like replying as promptly as possible, establishing virtual venues for socializing, and remembering and honoring birthdays and work anniversaries may seem minor, but they can be tremendously rewarding. Make each team meeting a conscious effort.

Also Read:- Reasons to Partner With Offshore IT Company.

Make a Communication Plan

Communication Plan

Because of the numerous technological breakthroughs in the realm of communication, contracting and managing a remote workforce now takes only a few seconds.

When dealing with remote colleagues that aren’t physically present to comprehend your tone of voice, it’s simpler to get on the wrong page. This emphasizes the importance of developing a solid communication strategy.

At least once a day, check in with your remote workforce. It doesn’t have to be about working all of the time.

To communicate, use a variety of channels. Slack and other instant messaging platforms are ideal for sending fast messages and updates. Video-conferencing solutions like Skype, on the other hand, may be utilized for presentations, brainstorming sessions, and review meetings. The trick is to pick your channels carefully.

Set up calls with your staff on a weekly or bimonthly basis. This is a good moment to talk about the workflows, any roadblocks, and the project’s highlights thus far. This regular connection and involvement will not only help you better manage your remote team, but it will also make remote workers feel more involved and heard.

All of the aforementioned recommendations can be aided by video meetings. Video contacts are the next best thing to in-person encounters, and they may help with trust, responsibility, and avoiding misconceptions caused by non-visual communications.

Make an Effort to Be Transparent

It’s easy to keep remote employees from seeing the larger picture while working with them.

Employees, on the other hand, frequently turn to their bosses and leaders for guidance on how to act in the workplace. There’s no reason people won’t do the same if you’re upfront and honest with them.

You win the trust of your remote employees and guarantee that they aren’t afraid to come to you with problems if you practice openness at every level and make it a part of your team culture.

Make sure they aren’t afraid to approach you with any questions or concerns. This strategy also aids in the long-term retention of your remote staff.

If you have something to share, make sure you inform everyone on your team at the same time, not just your local team. Your remote staff won’t feel that they’re the last to know about what’s going on in the office, or that you’re concealing information from them on purpose.

Hi! I am Pragya Arora, Sales and Marketing Specialist at Offshore IT Staffing.

Marketing being my area of interest, I like to connect and engage with people.

Being a tech enthusiast, I am always keen to know more about the new technology trends in the market.

I am also a passionate blogger and have good artistic skills. I love to read novels and create beautiful artworks.